There are numerous customer experience certification programs on the market, what is so special about Global Customer Experience Management Certification Program and what sets it apart from other CX certification programs?
Many customer experience certification programs come and go.
Global CEM Certification Program is the first and longest-standing customer experience certification program in the world. Since 2006, we have run the program continuously for 14 years with participants from 71 countries and counting. What’s more, it has an unrivaled record: up until 2020, the program has been successfully held 64 times in 19 international cities.
The program has seen major success in Amsterdam, Barcelona, Brussels, Copenhagen, Frankfurt, Milan, London, Paris, Istanbul, Dubai, Johannesburg, Shanghai, Bangkok, Hong Kong, Singapore, Sydney, Los Angeles, San Francisco and Toronto. The list of participants includes many senior executives of blue chips, Fortune 500 companies, top-tier management consultancies and universities. Over 50% of the program participants are either referrals or repeat customers.
One of the major reasons for our international success is the application of the Branded Customer Experience Management Method. It offers a structured framework that combines time-tested theories, universally applied principles and practical tools to help participants to formulate and kick-start their customer experience initiatives.
We also believe that authentic CX should be impartial: it will neither be ‘servce’-biased nor obsessed with customer interactions. Through neutral positioning, objective evaluation and unbiased recommendations, authentic CX is able to help all kinds of companies – regardless of whether their competition strategy is service-focused – fulfill their promises and achieve business results. As such, the Branded CEM Method is proven to work in different contexts, countries and cultures around the world.
The Branded Customer Experience Management Method was first licensed in Belgium and the Netherlands.
The class size of our live customer experience certification training typically ranges from 6 to 10 participants. With an ideal size as such, participants are able to communicate with both the instructor and their customer experience counterparts in a highly interactive manner to ensure quality online discussions and effective sharing.
Join Danny Peters in being a Global CEM Certified Customer Experience Professional.
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