Global Customer Experience Management (CEM) Certification Program is the world’s first CX certification program. Since its launch in 2006, it has been run in 19 international cities. Program participants are delegates of B2B and B2C enterprises from 71 countries across six continents, with over 50% of them are referrals or repeated customers.
The program is developed based on the Branded CEM Method, which provides a strategic framework with 12 building blocks to formulate an effective CX strategy. It guides enterprises to take a resource revolution by aligning customer journey mapping with brand promises to create values for customers, derive Moment of Buying (MOB) and make Net Promoter Score (NPS) actionable. The method renders a complete CX roadmap from strategy formulation to step-by-step implementation.
With proven track record of success in the market, Global CEM is proud to launch the In-house Corporate Customer Experience Certification Training Program, which is an in-house version of our public course.
For enterprises who face severe competition and see Customer Experience a critical differentiator for their business, this program will equip their management teams and key functional heads with leading edge knowledge, research method and tools to creating their own branded experience and stay ahead of their competition. Business executives who have management or functional responsibilities to deal with customers will benefit from the course. In particular, they are:
The ideal class size will be around 15-25 persons per in-house program. The training will be in workshop style and participants will be divided into small groups for discussions, in-group exercises and presentations during the two-day program. A group size of this will enable the instructor to effectively communicate with all the participants.
Participants are required to successfully complete and pass the 2-day training session with corresponding in-class exercises and one take-home certificate assignment. Upon getting certified, participants are eligible to include the following logo in their credentials as an endorsement of accomplishment.
For further enquiry regarding in-house program, please write to alice@globalcem.org.
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