The CX (customer experience) certification training course is developed based on the Branded CEM Method, which provides a strategic framework with 12 building blocks to formulate an effective CX strategy. It guides enterprises to take a resource revolution by aligning customer journey mapping with brand promises to create values for customers, derive Moment of Buying (MOB) and make Net Promoter Score (NPS) actionable. The method renders a complete CX roadmap from strategy formulation to step-by-step implementation.
The LIVE CX Certification Program is divided into six modules in 5 days, with one 2.5-hour session per day.
First Hour
Second Hour
Day One |
Effective Experience Principles ► |
Break: 15-20 minutes |
Effective Experience Principles ►
Day Two | Voice of Customer ► |
Break: 15-20 minutes |
Voice of Customer ► |
Day Three | CEM Strategy ► | Break: 15-20 minutes |
Day Four | Branded CEM ► | Break: 15-20 minutes | |
Day Five |
Break: 15-20 minutes | CEM Implementation ► |
Join Adriana Piazza in being a Global CEM Certified Customer Experience Professional.
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